Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The Love Dare, Day 1 with Mom

Okay, so for the first day of The Love Dare, we're supposed to not say anything negative to our person. I hope this doesn't come off as bragging or anything, but it was pretty easy most of the day. My mom and I get along really well most days, so it's easy to be nice for a whole day. 

The hard part came when I wasn't sure what counted as a negative comment, comeback, etc. I know there were things that weren't derogatory to her or anything like that, but that could have been kept silent so she wouldn't have to hear them, though they weren't in any way something that would make her feel bad. Even so, it made me wonder what counted as a negative statement, etc. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The Love Dare, Introduction with Mom

Okay, before I go any further, I know "The Love Dare" was originally made with couples in mind. However, I believe that the same ideals can be used in any relationship. It's all about learning just how to really love, and although I don't have a spouse, a fiancé, or even a boyfriend, I do have people that I want to really love and appreciate more in my life. Therefore, I have decided to take this plunge and start "The Love Dare"

I would like to have ended up doing the dare with every member of my family. In the book it talks about doing it with your significant other because they are the person who are to be the closest with. Well, in that case, I'm probably closest with my mom out of all people, so I have decided to begin the dare with her in mind. 

Tomorrow, I will embark on this journey to growing a greater love and a deeper appreciation for my awesome mom. 

Bless Your Hearts, 

Test Post Crafts
